Monday, August 26, 2019

Open House - Tuesday from 5-6:30 PM

Lineville Families,

As a reminder, Lineville's Open House will take place this Tuesday, August 27th from 5-6:30 PM. Open house is a time when families can greet their child's teachers, see the classrooms and set up lockers. Our building has undergone some fairly large improvement projects over the summer and is looking great! Here is some information that will help you to get the most out of Open House:
  • If your child attended the "Getting Ready for Lineville Class" and you had the opportunity to complete the scavenger hunt, meet a House teacher and set up your locker, there is no need for you to also attend the open house. Of course you are welcome to come again if you wish, but you should not feel obligated.
  • It is helpful to bring along the locker and House information that was sent to you via email during the second week of August. If you didn't receive it, please check your Spam folder. You can also access the information by logging in to PowerSchool.
  • The purpose of Open House is to be able to set up lockers, briefly greet the teachers and to see the spaces your child will be in for class. If you have important or confidential information to share with the teachers, please contact them or set up a meeting for another time. Open House will not be conducive to such conversations due to the number of people attending.
  • On that note, Open House can be crowded. Please plan accordingly to allow enough time for parking, setting up your locker and visiting classrooms. Please understand that teachers are doing the best they can to greet each student and family. Your patience during Open House is appreciated!
  • School Nutrition welcomes you to the Lineville cafeteria.  Come down to the cafeteria for a fresh homemade soup sample, and learn what the cafeteria serves daily.  We encourage families to ask our helpful staff about current account balances, online payments or anything regarding the free and reduced meal application. We look forward to serving your family!

On behalf of everyone here at Lineville, I want to welcome you to the 2019-20 school year! We sincerely hope that this year is your child's best year yet!

Phil Hart, Lineville Principal